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(Images used here aren't mine, they are currently used as placeholders. All images used can be found on the aesthetic board. In the future they will be replaced by my own images.)

ARA they/it

human-like figure w/ 8 eyes that can be hidden w/ either magic or w/ sunglasses and bangs. long, straight, black hair. overly pale skin. dark red eyes. 5'3 w/ thin build and long limbs.

Ara is a spider hybrid. After living their whole life underground they developed a extreme interest on the outside world, especially humans. Dreaming about being one of them, Ara spent a big part of their child and teenage years learning about human language and costumes. In order to practice for future social interaction, Ara built The Underground Suburbs, a real-life replica of outside neighborhoods hidden underground. This is where they meet the others for the first time.

Later they live with a blind and abusive man, posing as his wife who died, ending up disillusioned with mankind and murdering him.

Traits: poor at managing money, black-or-white thinking, difficulty at expressing emotions properly, light and noise sensitivity, most knowledge comes from fairytales and history books; likes small spaces and dislikes big people.

MARY she/he

human-like figure w/ pale eyes.